
Welcome to our blog

Welcome, animal lover! It’s great to welcome you here to the digital world of our pet specialty shop. At Panzi-Pet, we believe in sharing valuable knowledge and offering expert advice so that you and your four-legged friend can experience the very best.

Our experts have a wealth of information on dog care tips, providing the best pet food for dogs, and much more. We understand that life can be hectic and personal interactions are not always possible. That’s why we created this blog as a virtual meeting place where you can access our expert advice 24/7.

To make searching for relevant information easier, we’ve added handy icons that refer specifically to four key areas: dog, cat, nutrition, and exercise. So you can quickly find the articles relevant to your beloved four-legged friend.

Whether you are looking for practical dog care tips, want to know which pet food is best for your faithful companion, or are simply looking for inspiration for fun activities, our experts are ready to guide you every step of the way.

So, sit back, discover and be inspired by the informative articles we have put together especially for you and your four-legged friend. Together, we strive for a happy and healthy life for all our furry friends!





Blog, vuurwerk

Dealing with fireworks anxiety in pets: A Guide for caring owners

Celebrating events with fireworks, such as New Year or national holidays, often brings joy and excitement for humans, but for pets it can be a frightening experience. In this guide, we explore the causes of fireworks anxiety in pets and offer practical tips to help them during these often stressful times. Read more here.

brok grootte

Chunk size for your dog: impact on health, eating behaviour and dental hygiene

Chunk size plays a crucial role in your dog’s diet and can have a significant impact on his health, eating behaviour and dental hygiene. Whether it is your senior who enjoys smaller kibble, which facilitates chewing, or your adult dog who gets a solid chew while eating, the right kibble size is important for your four-legged friend’s wellbeing. Need tips on choosing the right kibble size? Click here.

binnen kat huiskat

5 Ways to keep your indoor cat active and healthy: The indoor adventure

Your indoor cat is your pride, your companion, and a king or queen in his or her own kingdom, even if it is your home. But indoor living can sometimes lead to a less active lifestyle for your cat. However, maintaining the vitality and health of your fluffy friend is of great importance. In this blog, we explore the world of indoor cat entertainment and share 5 ways to keep your indoor cat active and healthy.

Blog, kattenkruid

The magic of catnip: How it works and what you need to know

At Panzi-Pet Benelux, we understand that cats have a special place in your heart. And when it comes to cats, there is one magical herb that often creates excitement and curiosity – namely’ catnip’. But how does it actually work?

In this blog, we dive into the world of catnip, from what it is, to its pros and cons.

Blog, trucjes

How do you teach tricks to your dog?

Training and teaching your dog tricks are not only fun activities, but also essential for a healthy relationship between you and your faithful companion. This blog highlights the key principles for successful dog training, from laying a solid foundation with basic commands to enjoying enjoyable and effective training sessions. Read the entire blog here.

Blog, brokken

5 Tips for difficult eaters: How your dog can enjoy his kibble again

Your dog is your loyal companion, and your furry friend’s well-being is high on your list of priorities. But sometimes, as with humans, dogs can be picky eaters. If you notice that your dog isn’t as keen on his kibble as he used to be, don’t worry. In this blog, we share 5 handy tips to stimulate your dog’s appetite and make sure he can enjoy his meals again with pleasure.

Nieuwe ontwerpen van onze Fit Active reeks, een  hondenbrok/ dierenvoeding geschikt voor alle rassen.

Sinds kort vernieuwd: Onze Fit Active reeks

Bij Panzi-Pet hechten we belang aan de feedback van onze klanten. Samen met ons ontwikkelingsteam werd dan ook op basis van jullie bevindingen een update gedaan aan onze Fit Active reeks. Maar wat veranderd er allemaal juist? Of is het enkel het ontwerp dat vernieuwd word? In deze informatieve blog kijken we wat er allemaal veranderd binnen onze Fit Active reeks.

Blog wandeling

5 Fun winter walks for you and your dog

The winter months are a challenge not only for us, but also for our furry friends. Fortunately, Belgium offers an array of beautiful hiking locations that you and your dog can enjoy together. Discover with us the top 5 walks that not only strengthen your bond, but also embrace winter nature. Click here to discover our top 5.